The Free Education Centre School

About our project

We are now the primary funding source for the education of more than 350 children in an exceptional school in Tet Kone in Kyunhla Township, Northern Myanmar. We have contributed as well to the building fund for a new classroom building to accommodate the expansion of the student body. We provide free school meals to all whose families cannot afford to feed their children. We pay a living wage, for the salaries of more than 20 full time professional teachers, which is supplemented by volunteer teachers. The school provides a free k-12 college prep curriculum, English language courses with national test tutoring and supplemental stipends for the continuing education of qualified candidates. Although the new building is being used, completion of the project has been stalled by a 350% increase in the cost of building materials post Covid and complications arising from internal political conflict. Incredibly, the students and their families donated their labor on weekends and school holidays, to dig foundations holes, carry dirt, carry stones, lumber, sand and lime for the concrete. The school is truly an expression of community pride and committment. The headmaster Ven Khamavudah and the principal of school Master Bozin donate their time working 16 hour days.

Building their own classrooms with your help

The students, moms & dads baby brothers & sisters all helped to build the new classrooms

The licensed civil engineer who volunteered to draw the plans and supervise construction of the foundations and new classroom building, volunteered his time. We are proud to say, he was a graduate of our Free Education Centre school and continued on to graduate engineering school. Take a look at the video (below) to see the students and their families helping build their new classroom building, as the school has outgrown the original brick and wood structure.

Our new classroom building under construction

Not quite finished, but we're using it now! can helpeyou can helpyouhere...

Our students gathering at the old school building for a class photo